Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Healthcare Environments

Healthcare Environments

Q Using one of the articles that you read for this class (it can be one posted in the class or one that you found) as a starting point, reflect on changes that you have or are currently experiencing. How can what you have learned in this class help you to develop your career and to navigate in this ever changing health care landscape? Remember, this is a reflection posting, there is not right or wrong answer. The goal is for you to look back at where you were when you began this class and where you are now – to reflect on the changes and growth that have occurred. Here are the course objectives to refresh your memory of what you have learned. 1. Analyze key leadership theories and concepts for relevance to healthcare organizations and nursing management. 2. Explore trends and issues relating to finance, human resources, performance improvement, and technology in various healthcare settings. 3. Examine the impact of organizational culture on individuals and groups within an institution. 4. Relate local, state, and national accrediting agency standards and outcome measures to the processes in selected healthcare environments

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In this course, we have learned several important things regarding the healthcare industry of the United States. I want to mention about the following article particularly as it helps me to learn a lot about the need of the change management in the healthcare organization “Successful change and the force that drives it. Leading organizations: Perspectives for new era” (Kotter 1998). In today’s tremendous competitive business industry of the United States, it is the responsibility of the higher management of the healthcare organization in order to gain the competitive advantages and to survive in the industry in a proper manner.